Field Trip to Redhill (2020)
in collaboration with DesignSingapore Associates, My Community & City Sprouts
Featured as part of Singapore Architectural Festival 2022
Featured as part of Singapore Architectural Festival 2022
In collaboration with Design Singapore Associates, My Community and City Sprouts, Field Trip to Redhill was co-created to democratize design through critical engagement with the public, meeting them right where they are in the heart of their neighborhoods, inviting the community to uncover the design, heritage and stories hidden beneath its vernacular!
Through a mix of guided and spontaneous wanderings, we hope to uncover the design of everyday life in this bizarre, fun and collective manner—revealing the uncommon beauty of common things around us. Let's look beyond these familiar sights to (re)think and (re)imagine what they could otherwise be!
Click here to read an e-copy of Field Notes, a printed documentation based on a virtual field trip to Redhill that took place in July 2020. This is part of a larger body of fieldwork aimed to democratise design through critical engagement with the public, meeting them right where they are in the heart of their neighborhoods.