Untitled (Possessions) (2014)
Cardboard and Rice
Prized Possessions (2015) is a collection of luxury bags recreated from the unwanted and everyday. Triggered by our relentless pursuit of happiness and the socio-economic fabric in our society, the collection is delicately handcrafted by pure cardboard and rice, which totally defies the tradition of durability and permanence, to critique in areas of fragility, futility and transience. What is displayed appears to be that of branded merchandise, alluring in its transience, elicits a nostalgia due to the media used. What ought to be functional is painstakingly created from scratch, emphasizing craftsmanship and perfection, but at the same time, its palpable failure due to the impossibility of using a bag that uses handles made of moulded rice. This unease in duality invites the viewers rethink about the impact of trends, inevitable societal advancement and constraints within constructs in the contemporary world at large.